#59094  by gofurman
 Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:52 pm
I’m relatively pleased with polls. Which is rare.

Though the coaches are much less inclined to movement than is the STATS (If repeat of thread elsewhere I hereby apologize. Haven’t looked around our site other than here

10. Samford
11. Chatt
12. Mercer
13. Furman

AGS SoCon is 9/10/11/12. Samford is tops. Furman is 12

COACHES. SoCon is 10/11/12 and Furman is 19

Can’t argue at all with Samford above others as they remain unbeaten. That’s fair. A little surprised at others that order isn’t Furman who beat Chatt who beat Mercer. Would imply should be Samford. Then Furman. Then Chatt. Then Mercer. But part of that is - as we always say - it’s hard to move in the polls. So we had to make waves to jump up and so remain a little behind the others.

Honestly very pleased with a 13 ranking in STATS. Also super pleased with a 12 ranking in AGS. though I know they watch and know what’s going on. Coaches seem least informed and I’m a little disappointed but we did jump from NR to 19. AMAZING how much they require to just get in poll. IF we lose at Mercer the durn COACHES better no drop us far since shouldn’t number 19 lose to number 11 on the road? I mean, that’s what should happen and they don’t let you move much in poll anyway. I’ll be pissed IF we lose to Mercer and the COACHES drop us right out.

I expected a 18/19 overall so really happy with STATS and AGS and moderately pleased with COACHES
Last edited by gofurman on Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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