Furmanoid wrote: ↑Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:15 am
I fear this may be a bigger deal than you think. The school will likely cancel summer classes which will be a big financial hit. The endowment has taken a hit. The donors may be about to take huge hits since it looks like the shutdown will go into June. I’m sure the administration is at least planning for the not too unlikely scenario in which there is a small rebound in deaths in September or October that leads too another school closure. That would be catastrophic because not many people are going to continue to pay Furman prices for online courses. That scenario is where they will dig into the endowment. I’m not sure they will to prop up sports.
Of course the way to get around this is to just churn out a bunch of cool purple masks, make everybody sit with a seat between them and play effing football. But I don’t think our leaders will agree.
The purple masks WILL be cool, but everybody’s going to have to sit with 3 empty seats between, and 3 rows of every 4 have to be totally vacant. Stadium capacity thus becomes 25 % = 4,500. That should be a sufficient capacity, but if it’s not, then ask all fans at or over age 65 to stay home (but send money).
What’s also going to be interesting is those REALLY SPECIAL protective face masks that will have to be worn by every person including ALL players, coaches, officials, media, photographers, announcers, broadcasters, cheerleaders, band, vendors, parking attendants, ushers, ticket takers, ticket sellers, etc., any time any of those people are on the field or sidelines or in the stadium or parking facilities or buses, with a distance of < 7 feet between them and the next human being.