• SoCon scores

 #92683  by gofurman
 Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:01 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:01 am
College football tends to have a lot of junk on the sidelines. If you watch a big game (the SEC championship or something) there are hundreds of people, TV equipment, broadcasters, etc. within feet of the field. It's not uncommon.
Right. I’m aware. You are correct that it is not uncommon. Common and correct are different though. . that doesn’t make it right. Not. At. All.

That’s fifth grade logic ->. “ Mom, Everyone else is doing it ! Why can’t I ? “. Mom replies (she’s right) “. If, everyone else is jumping off a cliff are you going to also ?”

I’m a little shocked yall are even trying to defend something with the “everyone else does it” defense. Try that in court. Let’s see how it holds up. I’ll prove it doesn’t work. Gofurman gets caught speeding. (That’s happened lol). “ but officer, others speed through this area all the time. “. Gofurman gets a ticket. End of story. Guilty.

My kids couldn’t even use the “others are drinking beer at 14 years old” defense or whatever. Sadly some were drinking in middle school - by your logic that “if others do it then it’s ok” then middle school drinking is ok. That line of defense would justify almost everything as most everything has been done before. Just because others are doing it doesn’t make it ok.

Funny, ran this all by a Circuit judge this morning in Sunday school. He agreed with me 100%. Said that defense is completely worthless.

Anyway. I’m sure you see my point. Let’s move on to VMI.
 #92688  by The Jackal
 Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:23 pm
gofurman wrote:
Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:01 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:01 am
College football tends to have a lot of junk on the sidelines. If you watch a big game (the SEC championship or something) there are hundreds of people, TV equipment, broadcasters, etc. within feet of the field. It's not uncommon.
Right. I’m aware. You are correct that it is not uncommon. Common and correct are different though. . that doesn’t make it right. Not. At. All.

That’s fifth grade logic ->. “ Mom, Everyone else is doing it ! Why can’t I ? “. Mom replies (she’s right) “. If, everyone else is jumping off a cliff are you going to also ?”

I’m a little shocked yall are even trying to defend something with the “everyone else does it” defense. Try that in court. Let’s see how it holds up. I’ll prove it doesn’t work. Gofurman gets caught speeding. (That’s happened lol). “ but officer, others speed through this area all the time. “. Gofurman gets a ticket. End of story. Guilty.

My kids couldn’t even use the “others are drinking beer at 14 years old” defense or whatever. Sadly some were drinking in middle school - by your logic that “if others do it then it’s ok” then middle school drinking is ok. That line of defense would justify almost everything as most everything has been done before. Just because others are doing it doesn’t make it ok.

Funny, ran this all by a Circuit judge this morning in Sunday school. He agreed with me 100%. Said that defense is completely worthless.

Anyway. I’m sure you see my point. Let’s move on to VMI.

As much as I have no interest in debating this, I am interested to know what question was posed to a circuit judge where a defense was "completely worthless."
 #92692  by gofurman
 Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:40 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:23 pm
gofurman wrote:
Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:01 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:01 am
College football tends to have a lot of junk on the sidelines. If you watch a big game (the SEC championship or something) there are hundreds of people, TV equipment, broadcasters, etc. within feet of the field. It's not uncommon.
Right. I’m aware. You are correct that it is not uncommon. Common and correct are different though. . that doesn’t make it right. Not. At. All.

That’s fifth grade logic ->. “ Mom, Everyone else is doing it ! Why can’t I ? “. Mom replies (she’s right) “. If, everyone else is jumping off a cliff are you going to also ?”

I’m a little shocked yall are even trying to defend something with the “everyone else does it” defense. Try that in court. Let’s see how it holds up. I’ll prove it doesn’t work. Gofurman gets caught speeding. (That’s happened lol). “ but officer, others speed through this area all the time. “. Gofurman gets a ticket. End of story. Guilty.

My kids couldn’t even use the “others are drinking beer at 14 years old” defense or whatever. Sadly some were drinking in middle school - by your logic that “if others do it then it’s ok” then middle school drinking is ok. That line of defense would justify almost everything as most everything has been done before. Just because others are doing it doesn’t make it ok.

Funny, ran this all by a Circuit judge this morning in Sunday school. He agreed with me 100%. Said that defense is completely worthless.

Anyway. I’m sure you see my point. Let’s move on to VMI.

As much as I have no interest in debating this, I am interested to know what question was posed to a circuit judge where a defense was "completely worthless."
Jackal, hope you are doing well.

The “others do it, it’s not uncommon” defense was the primary item discussed. I said these guys tell me “others do X, so it’s ok”. He said that’s just stupid. Full stop. I said right. That’s what he said was “complete worthless”.

We are great friends. So I ran the question as person X gets hurt in a circumstance which is not that uncommon. (You are right about SEC title game). However, Person Y almost got hurt in similar situation prior. He happens to be a big Gamecock fan so I gave him the football example. He said they are really treading a fine line that - if it came to him - he would definitely advise a client that they avoid in these days of NIL and future earnings etc. And such a litigious society. He said the first thing I would tell any client is make documentation of how you have taken steps to protect your athletes at your home field. Meaning allow more room around the end zone and sideline. That would probably insulate / mitigate you. We agreed there will be a lawsuit somewhere someday. May already have been.
 #92709  by FUBeAR
 Mon Oct 28, 2024 2:05 am
So, GF, you used the plural terms “y’all” and “these guys” in your prior 2 posts. And, since only Jackal & FUBeAR have commented on the topic of posts, FUBeAR can only logically assume you were referencing/including FUBeAR in your use of those terms within your comments.

As a courtesy, FUBeAR will stipulate that he is waiving his right to sue you for defamation as a result of your flagrant accusations around positions that FUBeAR has taken, when, in fact, no such evidence exists. FUBeAR has not explicitly, nor tacitly, in any way, offered any sort of “defense” or “excuse” or justification for the parties involved that have either created and/or allowed the issue that has incited your outrage and led to, what seem to FUBeAR to be threats of you constructing, with your spouse / attorney, some type of a civil action against them.

To review what FUBeAR has said and/or done, and this is inclusive of all that he has said or done related to this matter, he will enumerate below:

1) FUBeAR simply queried if your outrage extended to other sports, citing basketball as an example.

Your response indicated that your outrage, does, in fact, extend to other sports, which was a perfectly sufficient answer to FUBeAR’s simple query. But, then, your response continued, indicating “…that DOES NOT justify…” the situation which led to your outrage. FUBeAR has no idea what you meant by “that” in that phrase or what you were referencing when you brought up the concept of justification. FUBeAR’s inquiry was about your feelings and expressed no opinion on the matter and certainly nothing even remotely related to providing any type of “justification” for the situation.

2) Next, FUBeAR, inspired by your clear passion for the matter, expressed confidence that this is not just a one-time, passing thought, just because you saw something at a Mercer Football game that disturbed you so much you needed to share and opine on the horror of that which you witnessed.

3) And, finally, also in his 2nd post on the topic, an inspired FUBeAR, interested in learning more about your efforts to publicize and cure this issue, asked if you would kindly direct him to prior online examples of your expressions of outrage on this topic. Clearly, it is very important to you and, although you said you don’t watch much basketball, football players at the college and pro level have been colliding with items, structures, equipment, vegetation, and non-essential people on the sidelines and endlines of football fields for as long as FUBeAR can recall. You will find numerous examples in the brief video below. There are many, many other videos available on this subject. Should you view this video, FUBeAR sincerely hopes that you don’t find it too troubling or triggering, and FUBeAR warns you the narrators seem to find humor in many of these tragic incidents (looks like you’ll have to watch it on YouTube. Apologies for the inconvenience).

To summarize, FUBeAR has offered no such justification or “excuse” or “defense” for any responsible parties in this matter, as you have most certainly implied here in your recent posts

In the future, please refrain from including FUBeAR in your commentary, either expressed or implied, without FUBeAR’s affirmative acknowledgment and permission.