All you sparkle johnnies out there think this game is "in the bag". Well, it isn't.
And yes, I do realize that those Buccaneers are not going to have their bigfoots at an away game. (One time in Johnson City I personally had a sasquatch encounter. I wasn't assaulted, but I was severely menaced. It happened right there at some bar on E. Main Street at 1am.)
The Tipton-Haynes House is haunted. That's a fact. As is the site where the Swingon Hospital was. That is documented.
Oh I'm telling you people, there's going to be hell to pay if what one of those ETSU boys releases a sack full of haints onto the field.
And yes, I do realize that those Buccaneers are not going to have their bigfoots at an away game. (One time in Johnson City I personally had a sasquatch encounter. I wasn't assaulted, but I was severely menaced. It happened right there at some bar on E. Main Street at 1am.)
The Tipton-Haynes House is haunted. That's a fact. As is the site where the Swingon Hospital was. That is documented.
Oh I'm telling you people, there's going to be hell to pay if what one of those ETSU boys releases a sack full of haints onto the field.
Didn't think the UFFP would have me back, perhaps. Well, maybe I'm not "the norm". I don't "wear clothes that fit me". I'm not "hygienic" and "pop my white heads with a compass I used in high school".