• Chattanooga 10/29 - Homecoming

 #58916  by gofurman
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:29 pm
Quick summary

WHAT A WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What a win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Huff running - this is why I love a dual QB. SUCH A DIFFERENCE MAKER - defense is forced to acct for another option
-Block FG !!!!!!!!!
-Robinson great coverage on many pass plays!!
- gritty win with guys having to leave like Roberto and Harris WR
- DL got in the backfield vs run plays AWESOME !!!!!
- DL got the hands up batted balls. Love it. Those are game changing plays as they kill drives

-HAVE to cut out so many turnovers. 3 is too many.
- A few key penalties
- **pass D was rough at times. Even when we knew they were throwing (most of 4th quarter etc) we gave up too many third downs. Too many of the long pass third downs. A lot of this seems to be because we don’t generate a pass rush and mess with the QB. Have to get to the opposing Qb a few times. Did we get a single sack? We knew they were throwing a lot
Last edited by gofurman on Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Davemeister liked this
 #58917  by Louis Tully
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:31 pm
24-20. Paladins. Over the #6 team in the country. No complaints here.
gman84, dornb, din23 and 1 others liked this
 #58921  by FurmAlum
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:57 pm
What a huge win!!! Loved the intensity, physicality, and sense of purpose the Paladins had today. It wasn't perfect but we won anyway. That was a Championship caliber FB game.

The play calling and scheme today was also first rate. Gutsy 3rd down call late to seal the win.

Sam Herder will bump Furman up into the top 10, but I doubt the rest of those idiots will. We'll be ranked at least 15 I would think but deserve better.

P.S. All those FU students that left at halftime should be ashamed of themselves. What else do they have to do on a Sat. afternoon?
FUBeAR liked this
 #58925  by The Jackal
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 6:17 pm
I love the wrinkles in this offense. I really do.

Huff is a physical runner, but what stood out today was his patience and field vision.

Watch Gissinger on this play. This is a designed outside run. Furman leaves end man on the line unblocked. Gissinger runs across the formation, gives the end a little stutter step and forces him inside.

my guess is the inside linebacker sees a play developing that Furman runs a bunch - leaking the TE out to the flat. He comes up hard that direction except Gissinger now blocks him. Huff runs wide of the end, who has been forced inside already, and then inside of Gissinger's block.

Here, it's another designed QB run. The backside end man thinks he's left unblocked and crashes hard on the run action. Roberto fakes the run to the right and the cuts back to the left. Huff runs right off Roberto's block.

Another designed run. Furman pulls a lineman to kick out the end. Roberto this time blocks the direction he's running. Huff patiently waits for Roberto to set up the block and then accelerates through the hole.

This is all excellent stuff by the offense. Great blocking, great play design, great vision, great acceleration. UTC really had no answer for any of this.
 #58926  by gman84
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 6:33 pm
Before the third down pass to Dean, I said to the guy sitting next to me, I think we are going to throw the ball here. Just a feeling I had. Huff said after the game that Roper was saving some offense for a game like this, particularly the qb runs.
 #58927  by Sad Din
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 6:41 pm
b4 the game, I said to Mrs Sad Din... I bet they are going to use Huff to run more. They are going to get an interception and block a FG.

Hope the lottery ticket SD bought is as lucky!
 #58932  by dornb
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 8:26 pm
We got back to the car in time to hear the interview with Huff. He was so excited! He said something to the effect that he had never played on a winning team and he is thrilled to be a part of this team. It warmed my heart even more! :D :D :D
Victor Greene, QCGlue, QCGlue and 1 others liked this
 #58934  by The Jackal
 Sat Oct 29, 2022 9:17 pm
The blocked kick was a huge play.

We've blocked a few kicks here in recent weeks, so it was nice to be able to slow this one down and see what we've got going on up front. This isn't easy, and we keep pulling it off, so we have got to be doing something right.

This set up has Sochovka, Coleman, and Barton as the primary rush. They are lined up over the LG and LT.

You can tell prior to the snap that Coleman and Barton are noticeably lower than everyone else - like a race car. They look like they are tasked with firing out and trying to reset the offensive line going backwards.

Most of our kicks have been blocked by the 6'4 Sochovka. Coleman and Sochovka double team the LG and try to shove him backwards to give #7 a chance to get that big paw up in the middle of the field.

Watch Barton, though. He fires out, gets underneath the LT and darn near bench presses him five yards backwards. There's actually three yards where the UTC player has both feet off the ground.

I'd wager Barton can't even see the ball. He's got his facemark in his man's chest, is shoving him backwards and just gets his hands up.
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