#38940  by purplehorse
 Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:12 am
I got on last year and submitted a question. No HARD questions were asked. I sent Dan Scott an email saying “hey what is the point of submitting questions if none of them are going to be asked.” He replied with a very kind response. But don’t expect any serious or hard questions to be asked or answered.

Like in basketball CBR has to be upbeat and optimistic. CCH cannot say “look we suck and we don’t know why.”

The way we have trailed against the opponents we have played this year-it has been quite a while since we have been this bad. It happens.

And folks can say our D is good or great but for starters our pass D is overall not very good. To say they are ahead of our O is not saying much.
 #38941  by apaladin
 Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:44 am
gofurman wrote:
Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:13 am
dumb question - 1) how do we join .. and 2) how do we ask questions? I just might be able to
GF- you can access thru facebook or youtube, just search Clay Hendrix. You can ask questions in the comment section.
 #38942  by apaladin
 Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:46 am
Purplehorse, on defense we have to be the worst third and long team in the country.
 #39020  by Flagman
 Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:44 pm
As I recall, there has usually not been a show the week of our open date. Too bad, since there were many questions to be asked today.
apaladin liked this
 #39240  by The Jackal
 Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:49 pm
purplehorse wrote:
Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:11 am
Doubt there would have been any REAL answers anyway!
I have always found Coach Hendrix to be pretty honest in his assessments.

He's not going to divulge state secrets, but I find him to be pretty up front about things. It's not all coach speak.
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