• Zoom Meeting with Jason Donnelly on Football

Would you like to have a Zoom meeting with Jason Donnelly?

 #35727  by Flagman
 Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:24 pm
Jason Donnelly has offered to have a Zoom meeting to discuss Furman's plans for fan attendance at football games. The poll will remain open for 4 days.
pmtee@sc.rr.com, QCGlue liked this
 #35748  by The Jackal
 Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:25 am
Just my read, but if the discussion is just on fan attendance policies, there may only be interest among those that live in the immediate area or who are likely to attend a public sporting event.

Having some insight into the travel industry, it seems like there is still a lot of reluctance to move around the country at this point. For me, the odds of me driving 250 miles to Greenville during a pandemic is unlikely, so the fan attendance policies are somewhat irrelevant. I am unlikely to be there regardless of what phase they are in.
 #35751  by Roundball
 Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:34 am
I voted no because the detailed plan has been communicated. I don't know what else he could say. I trust him and the administration to do what is best for the Furman students and student athletes.
 #35753  by Fred Garvin
 Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:55 am
I'm not voting. A Zoom call will end up talking about the continued needs of Timmons Arena and our basketball program.

Offer Clemson a freebie.....let us play at Clemson and we will come over in the fall and play for free. I guess all the creative juices were used up on....
Weekends at the Well
Weeknights at the Well
SIN Night at the Well
Loose Ladies Lockup Night at the Well
Affirm liked this
 #35835  by Flagman
 Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:00 pm
This meeting is now open to any athletic topic. Hopefully, we’ll have other staff and coaches on the call. I’ll post the links once we settle on a time and day.
Paladin82, QCGlue liked this
 #35851  by Affirm
 Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:57 pm
Roundball wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:34 am
I voted no because the detailed plan has been communicated. I don't know what else he could say. I trust him and the administration to do what is best for the Furman students and student athletes.
I agree.
Let him and them do their jobs.
 #35853  by Affirm
 Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:14 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:25 am
Just my read, but if the discussion is just on fan attendance policies, there may only be interest among those that live in the immediate area or who are likely to attend a public sporting event.

Having some insight into the travel industry, it seems like there is still a lot of reluctance to move around the country at this point. For me, the odds of me driving 250 miles to Greenville during a pandemic is unlikely, so the fan attendance policies are somewhat irrelevant. I am unlikely to be there regardless of what phase they are in.
Odds of me driving 100 miles for a FB game during the pandemic is unlikely, until the situation gets a lot better. Reason for postponing to spring was the assumption that things were going to be so much better by February/March/April than by last August/September/October. How did that work out? Well, we’re a week from February. Things are not so good. They will get better, but I doubt that occurring before about Easter 2021 (4/4/21). Maybe just play in March/April/May, if at all.
 #35854  by Affirm
 Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:27 pm
Fred Garvin wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:55 am
I'm not voting. A Zoom call will end up talking about the continued needs of Timmons Arena and our basketball program.

Offer Clemson a freebie.....let us play at Clemson and we will come over in the fall and play for free. I guess all the creative juices were used up on....
Weekends at the Well
Weeknights at the Well
SIN Night at the Well
Loose Ladies Lockup Night at the Well
If you mean FU-CU for FB in the fall, they already have a full schedule including an FCS (SCSU), and we already have A&T, TennTech, and NCSU for our OOC games.
If you mean, FU-CU for MBB in the fall, I thought everyone on here had bought into the assumption that they are too scared to play FU in MBB.
Yeah, I realize you were being funny with your “offer a freebie” idea. I enjoyed reading it. Also enjoyed your “at the well” comments.
 #35901  by Fred Garvin
 Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:06 am
Pure fear on the part of leadership.
 #35902  by Furmanoid
 Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:38 am
Rescheduling turned out to be dumb. But to be honest our medical experts scoffed at the idea that this virus was seasonal, and our greatest leader ever, Dr. Fauci, said it was unlikely to display a second wave. So we listened to the scientists, and here we are trying to play at peak pandemic.

Now I’m afraid we’ll get a wave of vaccine resistant South African stuff in the summer and shut down the 2021 season. It’s a real possibility.
 #35903  by GOAT
 Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:08 am
Furmanoid wrote:
Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:38 am
Rescheduling turned out to be dumb. But to be honest our medical experts scoffed at the idea that this virus was seasonal, and our greatest leader ever, Dr. Fauci, said it was unlikely to display a second wave. So we listened to the scientists, and here we are trying to play at peak pandemic.

Now I’m afraid we’ll get a wave of vaccine resistant South African stuff in the summer and shut down the 2021 season. It’s a real possibility.
Please provide the quote where Dr. Fauci said the virus was unlikely to display a second waive. I missed him saying that.
 #35904  by Roundball
 Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:24 am
Furmanoid wrote:
Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:38 am
Rescheduling turned out to be dumb. But to be honest our medical experts scoffed at the idea that this virus was seasonal, and our greatest leader ever, Dr. Fauci, said it was unlikely to display a second wave. So we listened to the scientists, and here we are trying to play at peak pandemic.

Now I’m afraid we’ll get a wave of vaccine resistant South African stuff in the summer and shut down the 2021 season. It’s a real possibility.
Actually, Dr. Fauci had to contradict Trump numerous times about the second wave. However, he did say the second wave could happen, but was not inevitable. Let's be clear, Dr. Fauci never said a second wave was unlikely. Below are quotes from that interview.

“Don’t start leapfrogging over the recommendations of some of the guidelines because that’s really tempting fate and asking for trouble.”

“We will have coronavirus in the fall,” Fauci said in April. “I am convinced of that.”

"I have no doubt there will be new waves of cases."

"Particularly when people start thinking about the fall, I want people to really appreciate that it could happen, but it is not inevitable. If we do the kinds of things that we're putting in place now ... we can prevent this second wave that we're talking about."

"If we do the kinds of things that we're putting in place now, to have the workforce, the system, and the will to do the kinds of things that are the clear and effective identification, isolation and contact tracing, we can prevent this second wave that we're talking about."
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