• No 2020 Season

 #30339  by The Jackal
 Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:29 pm
Thorny wrote:
Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:45 pm
At this point wouldn't we, both players and fans, be better off if football was delayed until Spring?
What bugs me is that many in April said "do xyz and we may can play football this fall."

Many others said "football's not til August, this will be gone by then." They did not do xyz.

Here we are in August, having not done xyz, and it's quite real that there will be no football.
 #30341  by Thorny
 Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:52 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Thorny wrote:
Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:45 pm
At this point wouldn't we, both players and fans, be better off if football was delayed until Spring?
What bugs me is that many in April said "do xyz and we may can play football this fall."

Many others said "football's not til August, this will be gone by then." They did not do xyz.

Here we are in August, having not done xyz, and it's quite real that there will be no football.
It is where we are though. Even the big conferences saying they plan to only play conference games I view as a stalling tactic and even if they do play the season is going to be chaos.

If we're going to play I want to make it through the full season. I want the speculation to be about who wins football games, not whose team will be quarantined.
 #30342  by Roundball
 Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:28 pm
Important week for the future of college football as we know it .
 #30343  by cavedweller2
 Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:46 pm
This is all a plan to institute the "P5" model of conferences. The elites. They are taking advantage of the situation to strangle out FCS which will trickle down and strangle out D2 etc.
bj93 liked this
 #30344  by cavedweller2
 Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:09 pm
We need to find an opponent on Sept 19 and play the season. If the Big South surrenders then find two other opponents. It a different world. Make it happen.
apaladin liked this
 #30348  by cavedweller2
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:56 am
cavedweller2 wrote:
Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:46 pm
This is all a plan to institute the "P5" model of conferences. The elites. They are taking advantage of the situation to strangle out FCS which will trickle down and strangle out D2 etc.
https://www.cbssports.com/college-footb ... d-of-vote/

Power Five conference leaders are exploring the idea of staging their own championships for fall sports, a prominent Power Five athletic director confirmed to CBS Sports' Dennis Dodd. The talks were first reported by Sports Illustrated.

The discussion among the Power Five comes in anticipation of the NCAA Board of Governors possibly canceling or postponing fall sports championships in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Any decision the board makes would not directly impact FBS college football, which holds a championship (College Football Playoff) that is not sponsored by the NCAA.

The NCAA Board of Governors is scheduled to meet on Tuesday; at that time, it is expected to make a decision on how to proceed with fall sports championships this year. The NCAA is the governing body for all other fall sports championships.

Kicking around the idea of forming its own championships for all fall sports and not just football could be seen as a potential stepping stone toward the Power Five breaking away from the NCAA altogether.

While there are differing opinions amongst those leaders as to whether to take that step, CBS Sports has independently confirmed that the Power Five can afford to stage its own championships in those sports if it so chooses.

"If I were [NCAA president Mark] Emmert, I'd be really worried about it," one Power Five AD told SI.

Another said that he felt the chances of Power Five holding its own fall championships are remote. He did go on to add that the fact it's being considered is "representative of the poor relationship between the [NCAA] and our conferences."

Of course, there's another possible motivation for this information coming out.

A cynical observer might look at the Power Five conferences making this move as a way to justify playing football this fall. If all other sports have their championships canceled but football -- the sport that generates the most revenue, by far -- is played, it wouldn't be hard to criticize schools for seeming to put money over the health and safety of players.

On the other hand, if all sports are taking place, schools could deflect such criticisms in a much easier manner. Another AD told SI as much: "We're all trying to think, 'Hey, what can we do for our kids so they have a season and a chance to compete for a championship? And, quite frankly, how can we justify playing football?'"
 #30349  by The Jackal
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:30 am
In the spring, we shut down colleges, canceled sports, canceled championships, and sent everyone home. Now, in the fall, we have exponentially more cases with no sign of letup and the plan is to send everyone back to schools, play sports, and have championships?

We said this in the spring, but the economic impact felt by smaller colleges early in the pandemic were not shared by the bigger institutions. Those bigger schools would have to pay the piper in the fall. That time is here now.
Jasper liked this
 #30351  by Furmanoid
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:05 pm
In the spring people were dying like crazy in NYC and Gov. Cuomo said he needed 40,000 ventilators that didn’t exist. We thought you could catch Covid from contaminated surfaces. We thought it would kill children and young people like the Spanish flu. We thought it was much, much more deadly than it is turning out to be everywhere but the northeast. We had even fewer treatments than now (although one promising treatment is banned in many states).

We are in a different place now. Yes we have high new case numbers partly because we test like crazy. We now know that not only do most people have mild cases, but they don’t even notice symptoms. We choose to worry about asymptomatic spread, but the WHO experts let it slip that there is no evidence this is happening to any large degree. We are are exporting unneeded ventilators. Death rates are dropping. And there IS sign of letup. Even the press is now reporting that the virus has peaked in the south (probably a week or two ago). SC’s ICU and ventilator numbers have dropped about 10% since about Wednesday. There is still a really bad county in FL and there are a couple in TX but things appear to be getting better.

If we have college football, who will be the safest people on campus? Players will be because they will spend most of their time surrounded by people who are tested for Covid every week, and much of that time will be outside. The only way they can get it through football is via mechanisms the experts says are unlikely to spread it. So playing isn’t crazy at all. If you shut it down, you increase their risk to that of the average student.
 #30352  by apaladin
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:29 pm
Furmanoid wrote:
Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:05 pm
In the spring people were dying like crazy in NYC and Gov. Cuomo said he needed 40,000 ventilators that didn’t exist. We thought you could catch Covid from contaminated surfaces. We thought it would kill children and young people like the Spanish flu. We thought it was much, much more deadly than it is turning out to be everywhere but the northeast. We had even fewer treatments than now (although one promising treatment is banned in many states).

We are in a different place now. Yes we have high new case numbers partly because we test like crazy. We now know that not only do most people have mild cases, but they don’t even notice symptoms. We choose to worry about asymptomatic spread, but the WHO experts let it slip that there is no evidence this is happening to any large degree. We are are exporting unneeded ventilators. Death rates are dropping. And there IS sign of letup. Even the press is now reporting that the virus has peaked in the south (probably a week or two ago). SC’s ICU and ventilator numbers have dropped about 10% since about Wednesday. There is still a really bad county in FL and there are a couple in TX but things appear to be getting better.

If we have college football, who will be the safest people on campus? Players will be because they will spend most of their time surrounded by people who are tested for Covid every week, and much of that time will be outside. The only way they can get it through football is via mechanisms the experts says are unlikely to spread it. So playing isn’t crazy at all. If you shut it down, you increase their risk to that of the average student.
Excellent post. Of course the fixation on “cases” will keep the hysteria going until basketball season, before the media starts letting up. It’s just like MLB overreacting by cancelling games when someone tests positive, The Marlins proved the likelihood of spreading it to another team is zero. If they are going to play they need to play thru “cases”. If not they may as well close it down.
 #30353  by JohnW
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:10 pm
JohnW wrote:
Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:55 am
Just for laughs. The US has roughly 14% of the world's population. It has roughly 25% of the deaths. The EU with 400+ million residents is reporting 5K new infections per day, the US ten times that number. POTUS is re-tweeting voodoo while our response is barely first world.

As for football, if the SoCon plays we will play.
Wanted to correct these items in the above post. The US has around 4% of the world's population not 14%. The percentage of deaths is closer 23%. Sorry it is worse than I thought.
Jasper liked this
 #30354  by The Jackal
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:33 pm
apaladin wrote:
Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:29 pm
Furmanoid wrote:
Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:05 pm
In the spring people were dying like crazy in NYC and Gov. Cuomo said he needed 40,000 ventilators that didn’t exist. We thought you could catch Covid from contaminated surfaces. We thought it would kill children and young people like the Spanish flu. We thought it was much, much more deadly than it is turning out to be everywhere but the northeast. We had even fewer treatments than now (although one promising treatment is banned in many states).

We are in a different place now. Yes we have high new case numbers partly because we test like crazy. We now know that not only do most people have mild cases, but they don’t even notice symptoms. We choose to worry about asymptomatic spread, but the WHO experts let it slip that there is no evidence this is happening to any large degree. We are are exporting unneeded ventilators. Death rates are dropping. And there IS sign of letup. Even the press is now reporting that the virus has peaked in the south (probably a week or two ago). SC’s ICU and ventilator numbers have dropped about 10% since about Wednesday. There is still a really bad county in FL and there are a couple in TX but things appear to be getting better.

If we have college football, who will be the safest people on campus? Players will be because they will spend most of their time surrounded by people who are tested for Covid every week, and much of that time will be outside. The only way they can get it through football is via mechanisms the experts says are unlikely to spread it. So playing isn’t crazy at all. If you shut it down, you increase their risk to that of the average student.
Excellent post. Of course the fixation on “cases” will keep the hysteria going until basketball season, before the media starts letting up. It’s just like MLB overreacting by cancelling games when someone tests positive, The Marlins proved the likelihood of spreading it to another team is zero. If they are going to play they need to play thru “cases”. If not they may as well close it down.
Let's pull this apart for a moment.

- Baseball is a different game. It is comparatively low contact to football. Most players are "socially distanced" the entire game. There could be 50 yards between you and the next closest player. Football, as you know, is the complete opposite. There's hardly six feet of separation between you and any player, and if there is, it is only momentary.

- Baseball rosters have somewhere between 26-30 players. Furman's roster alone is probably over 100 players. So, that potential exposure rate is potentially 4 times higher.

- Most of the spread from the major league teams are from their own teammates not strictly following guidelines. Ok, sure, enforce guidelines. We are still back to relying on 18-22 year olds (an age group currently responsible for much of the spread nationally) and telling them to quarantine while in college. Good luck on that. It isn't impossible, it is improbable.

- Professional athletes are not "on campus" like college athletes are. They aren't mixed in with thousands of other students. They aren't engaging with older faculty and staff. Furman has one dining hall. They do not have segregated athletic dorms like larger universities. How exactly do you propose to avoid spread between the athletes and the student body generally?

- It isn't just about "cases." While the death rate is relevant, the reality is we know very little about this virus and almost nothing about the long term effects. There is a professional baseball player right now (Eduardo Rodriguez) who has developed a heart condition from COVID.

- Professional athletes have "opt out" provisions where they can just choose to sit out the season. There is no such protection for college athletes.

- Up until a few days ago, it was widely thought that the virus was unlikely to be transmitted by children. Just this week, there is a report of a YMCA camp in North Georgia having nearly 300 positive cases, many of whom were kids. So, what everyone assumed was accurate just days ago, has turned out to not be so accurate. Ihttps://www.ajc.com/news/coronavirus/260-corona ... 3JOPUAVSY/

- If anyone tells you they can predict the future related to this virus, they are either full of crap or trying to sell you something.

- And by the way, the summer was when this virus was supposed to be at it's least damaging under the theory that viral infections are more susceptible to heat. Winter is coming. Who is to say that what we saw in New York in March isn't going to show back up in October and November?
JohnKX512 liked this
 #30358  by apaladin
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:05 pm
The CDC has said there is little to no evidence that a-symptmatic people spread the virus. We need to stop all the senseless testing of healthy people. All this testing of healthy people has never happened before. Having thousands upon thousands of healthy people test posiive does not do any good except keep the hysteria going. If healthy people want to get tested start charging them a hefty amount.
 #30362  by The Jackal
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:12 pm
apaladin wrote:
Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:05 pm
The CDC has said there is little to no evidence that a-symptmatic people spread the virus. We need to stop all the senseless testing of healthy people. All this testing of healthy people has never happened before. Having thousands upon thousands of healthy people test posiive does not do any good except keep the hysteria going. If healthy people want to get tested start charging them a hefty amount.
I believe the statistics actually cuts against this argument.

One of the core measurements - perhaps the core measurement - is the testing positivity rate. That is, the number of positive tests divided by the total number of tests. Once that threshold reaches around 5%, communities can relax their restrictions.

This author, a statistician, makes a useful analogy:
A good way to think about test positivity is to think about fishing with a net. If you catch a fish almost every time you send the net down – high test positivity - that tells you there are probably a lot of fish around that you haven’t caught – there are a lot of undetected cases. On the other hand, if you use a huge net – more testing – and only catch a fish every once in a while – low test positivity – you can be pretty sure that you’ve caught most of the fish in the area.
https://theconversation.com/test-positi ... yet-143340

According to John's Hopkins, right now the entire Southeast is above the 5% threshold. South Carolina is at nearly a 15% test positivity. So, in spite of all those health and asymptomatic folks getting tested, the rate is still among the highest in the country.

You would think that if you were testing a bunch of negative folks the rate would go down. It isn't.
JohnKX512 liked this
 #30363  by FU3
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:22 pm
apaladin wrote:
Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:05 pm
The CDC has said there is little to no evidence that a-symptmatic people spread the virus. We need to stop all the senseless testing of healthy people. All this testing of healthy people has never happened before. Having thousands upon thousands of healthy people test posiive does not do any good except keep the hysteria going. If healthy people want to get tested start charging them a hefty amount.
That lack of Asymptomatic spread will certainly come as news to our current head of HHS who has called it one of the main causes of our current spike. Perhaps seeing the death rate increase again to over 1,000 per day for the past week or so is why folks may be a little concerned.
 #30364  by Furmanoid
 Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:35 pm
I think it was the WHO that said they hadn’t seen evidence of large scale asymptomatic spread. Our experts yowled about being contradicted, so the WHO rephrased it and said just because there isn’t much evidence, that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

If SC’s positivity is down to 15%, that’s great news. It was over 20%. Our numbers are generally improving.
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