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PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:29 am
by fu77fan
Our record within the Southern Conference is somewhat deceiving due to the fact we have had to play the top 3 teams in the league on the road. If we can take advantage of home court advantage moving forward, we will do fine .
Prior to the game with Wofford, I frankly was not sure that we would be able to hang with them. I think it is encouraging that we played toe to toe with them on a night where we shot the ball so poorly. The game clearly could have gone either way. I think the biggest shot of the game might have been their 3 point bank shot at the end of the first half. I have no doubt that we can beat Wofford in Greenville.
I hope that we finish strong.

Go Furman


PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:01 pm
by purplehorse
The verdict is really not in yet on this team. As pointed out, we have largely played a cupcake schedule, we have lost on the road to 4 good teams etc. Nobody can take away our two wins against Loyola and Villanova. So the real verdict is the future this year, not the past. Can we win all the games we are supposed to win? Can we beat the Big 3 at home? I have said all along this year we are inconsistent and that is still the case. Brown is a senior and Lyons is a junior-they should be consistent by now. Ditto for Mounce and Hunter who are half way thru their soph years. Hard to play the youth card for those two at this point.

Time will tell.


PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:18 pm
by Flagman
Moving forward? The only way to go.