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Its Nice to Have Options

PostPosted:Sat Dec 04, 2021 1:03 pm
by Sad Din
An old adage in basketball is to play inside out. It works if the inside player is a threat

Rafferty was a threat. Slaw is a threat but more athletic .

So its a perfect plan:

Option 1: Down low to Slaw. 1 on 1 he can take most
Option 2: Double on Slaw, find the open perimeter shooter, It works if you have shooters and we have shooters
Option 3: Slaw finds the cutter to the basket
Option 4: Slaw pops out, clears the lane and lets a run to the basket ala Both
Option 5: wing it. whatever is open

Its nice to have good options!

Re: Its Nice to Have Options

PostPosted:Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:46 pm
by Furmanoid
Works great as long as Slawson never gets hurt or tired and never fouls. We really need to develop somebody to spell him.