• Paraskevi Koilia injury FU Women

 #35494  by FUFan
 Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:40 am
Last night in the women's game with Chattanooga Paraskevi, FU point guard, was carried off the court on a stretcher after getting tangled up with a Chattanooga player. Does anyone know how she is doing?
 #35497  by CharlieFU
 Sat Jan 16, 2021 12:06 pm
Coach Carson’ tweet

For the 2nd time in a month, we had a player go down in screaming pain & be wheeled or carried off the court. Emotional is an understatement. Hard to stop the tears from coming on the court. Thru it all, they FOUGHT to the end and gave us what was left in their tank. So proud!