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Spring Saaturday Practice

PostPosted:Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:20 pm
by Jasper
After practicing in single digit cold at 6 AM for several days, our football team had a real Spring day in which to practice today. IMO, it was a very good and spirited session. I will make observations on what I saw as they come back into my swiftly deteriorating memory. Keep in mind this was not a full game condition scrimmage but blocking and tackling went on with quick whistles. We already have some walking wounded from earlier practices.

Since there is great concern on these boards about our QB situation, I will address that first. There is a huge difference between this spring session and last year's first fall practice in both of our redshirt freshmen QB's. Since he took first snaps, I will give my impression of Hamp Sisson first. Forget the "deer in the headlights" debut against the Citadel last year. This kid is a play-ah. He appears to have command of the complete play book and is much more confident and firm in his approach. A very good short to medium thrower right now. Loved his faking and ballhandling, especially on the all important option pitch. He's short but I have seen plenty who were shorter have great success. Comes from a big time program in Alabama. This kid may wind up being the surprise starter.

Darren Grainger may turn out to be a monster. He can easily pack 25 pounds on his lean 6'4" frame and can throw the ball from here to Spartanburg. He tends to pull it down faster than Sisson but when he does, he is one helluva big, strong and elusive runner. This is still only his second year playing QB. His upside potential is enormous. Spoke to him briefly later on and he comes over as a very nice, polite and bright young man. I think his decision making will easily improve as he gets more experience.

I personally feel much better about the position than I did before today. The only caveat is the above reference to game like situations that must still be tested. It would not surprise me in the least if we play both of these youngsters this year. They may have complimentary skill sets. I now see why the coaching staff seems content with what they have. It would be nice to have a seasoned junior moving into the starting spot....but we dont. More later

Re: Spring Saaturday Practice

PostPosted:Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:17 pm
by apaladin
Thanks for the update. Much appreciated. Looking forward to the spring game. Good to hear that Sisson may turn out be an option at QB.

Re: Spring Saaturday Practice

PostPosted:Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:50 pm
by Paul C
Last summer word was that Sisson was much more polished than Grainger, so not surprised.

Re: Spring Saaturday Practice

PostPosted:Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:47 am
by Jasper
Paul C wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:50 pm
Last summer word was that Sisson was much more polished than Grainger, so not surprised.
"polished" is a good description. I could see him going thru his progressive reads today and hanging in the pocket very well. These two young men may be a very good tandem if CCH decides to go that route.

Re: Spring Saaturday Practice

PostPosted:Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:35 am
by The Jackal
Paul C wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:50 pm
Last summer word was that Sisson was much more polished than Grainger, so not surprised.
You could see that in their high school films. Sisson looked like a kid that had played a lot of QB in a more sophisticated offense. Grainger looked like a phenomenal athlete, but not as technically sound at the position running in an offense where they simply tried to "out athlete" the defense.