• No 2020 Season

 #30604  by FUBeAR
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:34 pm
JohnKX512 wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:49 pm
FUBeAR wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:36 pm
CharlieFU wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:41 am
I have never read such nonsense in my life!

The pandemic has exposed the under belly of our society. We as individuals care only about ourselves. It's all about me. Not what happens to other people. We don't really care about others. All we want is what's ours. The individual reigns supreme! Don't bother me with the deaths and illnesses of others. Let's just make sure we play football, almighty football, by damn it. No way a panty waist snowflake gonna make me wear a mask! No sir! it is MY RIGHT not to wear one,. Everybody else be damned. You think I exaggerate? I beg to differ. Do you really think Fauci and the rest of the scientists are politically motivated and do not care about how this "plague" is controlled? The media has hyped this beyond belief. But is not their fault we are in this situation. Leadership has been lacking on both the state and federal level. But Trump does not shoulder all the blame either. The blame rests squarely at the feet of every one of us. Our failure to do what we have been asked to do has created this mess.

Whatever happened to a national collective will to beat this thing? Why cant we pull together, and think about someone or something other than ourselves? Why are we not looking out for each other? Why not wear a mask just as a courtesy? As a sign of respect for the least of those among us? For your neighbor who has COPD or diabetes? No, you do not know that they have underlying illnesses necessarily, but that's the point! Do it anyway. I totally get the fine line we walk between opening up and at same time maintaining some reasonable precautions. It's not easy. But we have to try, and we haven't been.

Even if you are not guided by some religious principals, whether Christianity or other faith traditions, doesn't basic human decency, just a little morality, demand that we do better?
Good, aggressive cut, but swing-and-a-miss, methinks

Take FUBeAR as 1 example - FUBeAR absolutely believes locking down the economy was a huge mistake. Also vehemently believes that being governmentally-mandated to lock those businesses down & to define the legal attire of the populace (burkas, anyone?) violates our constitutionally protected rights. That said, on 3/17, FUBeAR locked down my life for about 4-6 weeks. Still staying locked down for the most part (1 wedding excepted) and always socially distance in public. Also, always wear a mask, when requested/required OR, if for some reason I am unable to keep my socially distanced space.

I think you are confusing people’s opinions & feelings with their actions. I’m talking about the general public - not the few morons on social media or that crowd shooting each other up @ a 100+ person birthday party in DC this past weekend, or the religious nut-cases that were previously seen serpent-rasslin’ - The general public has been & is being compliant. I searched for empirical evidence to the contrary this AM and all I could find were self-reported survey derived data analytics - “Sir, when did you stop beating your wife?” C’mon - those aren’t “science” - maybe there are studies that have been done by independent researchers via statistically significant & valid observation, but I ain’t see’d ‘em. Post ‘em up, if so. Check their methodology 1st though..cuz you know FUBeAR will.

For fun- Let’s do a UFFP survey though...

1) By and large, I have greatly curtailed almost any interaction with ‘the public’ and I always or dnag near always wear a mask if required / requested and/or when I could be unable to socially distance myself from others.

2) I sometimes practice social distancing and I sometimes where a mask in the situations described above. But, I have to admit, I’m not very consistent with one or both of these things.

3) I’m somewhere on the spectra described above for Social Distancing, but I just ain’t gonna wear a mask unless I absolutely have to to go into someplace I want to go, but I will avoid going to such places if I can find a similar venue and I don’t have to wear a mask

4) I’ll wear a mask usually, but I will fight for my right to PAR-TAY. Party @ Woodwinds #1 tonight, I’m THERE! I can social distance when I’m dead. That ish is for old folks & nerds. I’m down for a meet-up any time someone hits me up on SnapChat!

5) I’m the person that the self-righteous finger-pointers here are talking about. No mask, no social distancing for me. Just named my 1st-born Covid Corona Crowded Club OpenFace the 1st

Post 1-5 which number best describes you / your actions since March of 2020.

FUBeAR will lead off - I am a reluctantly compliant #1

What say you?

Once again. ME ME ME.

I am very happy to hear that YOU wore a mask. And you are talking about what YOU have done.

You are so butt hurt about this virus and feel like it has affected YOU so much, that you can’t comprehend any of the previous comments.
OK - thanks. I’ll put you down, in the poll, as a “0” then.

Pretty much had you locked into that category already.
 #30605  by FUBeAR
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:36 pm
FU3 wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:24 pm
FUBeAR wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:36 pm
CharlieFU wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:41 am
I have never read such nonsense in my life!

The pandemic has exposed the under belly of our society. We as individuals care only about ourselves. It's all about me. Not what happens to other people. We don't really care about others. All we want is what's ours. The individual reigns supreme! Don't bother me with the deaths and illnesses of others. Let's just make sure we play football, almighty football, by damn it. No way a panty waist snowflake gonna make me wear a mask! No sir! it is MY RIGHT not to wear one,. Everybody else be damned. You think I exaggerate? I beg to differ. Do you really think Fauci and the rest of the scientists are politically motivated and do not care about how this "plague" is controlled? The media has hyped this beyond belief. But is not their fault we are in this situation. Leadership has been lacking on both the state and federal level. But Trump does not shoulder all the blame either. The blame rests squarely at the feet of every one of us. Our failure to do what we have been asked to do has created this mess.

Whatever happened to a national collective will to beat this thing? Why cant we pull together, and think about someone or something other than ourselves? Why are we not looking out for each other? Why not wear a mask just as a courtesy? As a sign of respect for the least of those among us? For your neighbor who has COPD or diabetes? No, you do not know that they have underlying illnesses necessarily, but that's the point! Do it anyway. I totally get the fine line we walk between opening up and at same time maintaining some reasonable precautions. It's not easy. But we have to try, and we haven't been.

Even if you are not guided by some religious principals, whether Christianity or other faith traditions, doesn't basic human decency, just a little morality, demand that we do better?
Good, aggressive cut, but swing-and-a-miss, methinks

Take FUBeAR as 1 example - FUBeAR absolutely believes locking down the economy was a huge mistake. Also vehemently believes that being governmentally-mandated to lock those businesses down & to define the legal attire of the populace (burkas, anyone?) violates our constitutionally protected rights. That said, on 3/17, FUBeAR locked down my life for about 4-6 weeks. Still staying locked down for the most part (1 wedding excepted) and always socially distance in public. Also, always wear a mask, when requested/required OR, if for some reason I am unable to keep my socially distanced space.

I think you are confusing people’s opinions & feelings with their actions. I’m talking about the general public - not the few morons on social media or that crowd shooting each other up @ a 100+ person birthday party in DC this past weekend, or the religious nut-cases that were previously seen serpent-rasslin’ - The general public has been & is being compliant. I searched for empirical evidence to the contrary this AM and all I could find were self-reported survey derived data analytics - “Sir, when did you stop beating your wife?” C’mon - those aren’t “science” - maybe there are studies that have been done by independent researchers via statistically significant & valid observation, but I ain’t see’d ‘em. Post ‘em up, if so. Check their methodology 1st though..cuz you know FUBeAR will.

For fun- Let’s do a UFFP survey though...

1) By and large, I have greatly curtailed almost any interaction with ‘the public’ and I always or dnag near always wear a mask if required / requested and/or when I could be unable to socially distance myself from others.

2) I sometimes practice social distancing and I sometimes where a mask in the situations described above. But, I have to admit, I’m not very consistent with one or both of these things.

3) I’m somewhere on the spectra described above for Social Distancing, but I just ain’t gonna wear a mask unless I absolutely have to to go into someplace I want to go, but I will avoid going to such places if I can find a similar venue and I don’t have to wear a mask

4) I’ll wear a mask usually, but I will fight for my right to PAR-TAY. Party @ Woodwinds #1 tonight, I’m THERE! I can social distance when I’m dead. That ish is for old folks & nerds. I’m down for a meet-up any time someone hits me up on SnapChat!

5) I’m the person that the self-righteous finger-pointers here are talking about. No mask, no social distancing for me. Just named my 1st-born Covid Corona Crowded Club OpenFace the 1st

Post 1-5 which number best describes you / your actions since March of 2020.

FUBeAR will lead off - I am a reluctantly compliant #1

What say you?
I have noticed all sorts of Government overreach in attire. Food workers wearing gloves and hair covering, road construction workers wearing hard hat and vests, factory workers with their eye coverings and steel toed boots etc. etc. These OSHA and state health folks don’t understand personal freedoms. Yep ( burqas anyone?) .. can Sharia Law be far behind ?
Can you think of any differences in the examples you cited & John Q. Paladin walking out his front door?
 #30607  by The Jackal
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:52 pm
The state governments have put in place restrictions that have remained essentially static for a few months. They opened bars and restaurants. In Georgia, the governor "strongly encouraged" everyone to wear masks.

The numbers continued to climb, though.

The government's continued insistence on doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is asinine. At what point does the government concede that the status quo isn't working? That people just aren't doing what they are being asked to do?

I see photo after photo of people on their vacations or at restaurants. These are the same folks that will be wearing sack cloth and pulling their hair when Auburn isn't playing football next month. They'll blame literally everyone - media, the NCAA, the Russians - but themselves.

It's like running power dive into the teeth of the Alabama defense every other play for four quarters. You can do it, and maybe you might break through, but odds are you'll get the same result every time - no gain. At some point, you have to try something different if you expect to move the ball.
 #30609  by Stumpy
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:02 pm
FU3 wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:24 pm
I’m talking about the general public - not the few morons on social media or that crowd shooting each other up @ a 100+ person birthday party in DC this past weekend, or the religious nut-cases that were previously seen serpent-rasslin’ - The general public has been & is being compliant.
Tell ya what - go take a drive through downtown Helen, GA, next weekend and tell me if you want to stand by that statement.
fufanatic and 1 others liked this
 #30610  by Furmanoid
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:08 pm
It is reported that the Big10 just bailed with only Iowa and Nebraska wanting to play. That opens up the noon time slot for the SoCon!
fupaladin01 liked this
 #30611  by FUBeAR
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:18 pm
Stumpy wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:02 pm
FU3 wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:24 pm
I’m talking about the general public - not the few morons on social media or that crowd shooting each other up @ a 100+ person birthday party in DC this past weekend, or the religious nut-cases that were previously seen serpent-rasslin’ - The general public has been & is being compliant.
Tell ya what - go take a drive through downtown Helen, GA, next weekend and tell me if you want to stand by that statement.
LOL - Helen, GA (and surrounds) is Ground Zero for Serpent Rasslin’ - FUBeAR actually attended such an event there a few years back. Me, another Paladin, and a couple of lovely AlphaNettes were spending a weekend doing Oktoberfest stuff in Helen, when a heavily malted FUBeAR heard a commotion across the road from our motel one evening...saw a tent set up & strode (or stumbled) across the road, by his lonesome, to investigate.

Yep - the man was up front speakin’ some kinda gobbledygook and pullin’ them long legless lizards out of a big wooden box & passin’ ‘em out to the congregants, who were also jabberin’ along. FUBeAR hung around a while to observe, from the far-back rows, but as the snakes began to get a little too close for a less-than-pious FUBeAR’s comfortability, he returned to the safe confines of the Helenga Motor Court & the much less hazardous (or so I thought) embrace of a non-forked-tongue (at the time) AlphaNette.
 #30612  by MidlandsPaladin
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:26 pm
Furmanoid wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:08 pm
It is reported that the Big10 just bailed with only Iowa and Nebraska wanting to play. That opens up the noon time slot for the SoCon!
If true, it doesn't sound like the SEC is going to play "follow the leader", at least for now. SECs Commish tweets "Best advice I’ve received since COVID-19: “Be patient. Take time when making decisions. This is all new & you’ll gain better information each day.”
 #30613  by soconjohn
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:32 pm
The reason these conferences are canceling is because of the cost of testing....It isn't safety...Numerous college coaches have already said that...Now, our state government might be willing to pick up the tab for testing for SC schools to play, which would shed a whole different light on this whole situation if other states follow through.
 #30614  by cavedweller2
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:36 pm
FUBeAR wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:36 pm
CharlieFU wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:41 am
I have never read such nonsense in my life!

The pandemic has exposed the under belly of our society. We as individuals care only about ourselves. It's all about me. Not what happens to other people. We don't really care about others. All we want is what's ours. The individual reigns supreme! Don't bother me with the deaths and illnesses of others. Let's just make sure we play football, almighty football, by damn it. No way a panty waist snowflake gonna make me wear a mask! No sir! it is MY RIGHT not to wear one,. Everybody else be damned. You think I exaggerate? I beg to differ. Do you really think Fauci and the rest of the scientists are politically motivated and do not care about how this "plague" is controlled? The media has hyped this beyond belief. But is not their fault we are in this situation. Leadership has been lacking on both the state and federal level. But Trump does not shoulder all the blame either. The blame rests squarely at the feet of every one of us. Our failure to do what we have been asked to do has created this mess.

Whatever happened to a national collective will to beat this thing? Why cant we pull together, and think about someone or something other than ourselves? Why are we not looking out for each other? Why not wear a mask just as a courtesy? As a sign of respect for the least of those among us? For your neighbor who has COPD or diabetes? No, you do not know that they have underlying illnesses necessarily, but that's the point! Do it anyway. I totally get the fine line we walk between opening up and at same time maintaining some reasonable precautions. It's not easy. But we have to try, and we haven't been.

Even if you are not guided by some religious principals, whether Christianity or other faith traditions, doesn't basic human decency, just a little morality, demand that we do better?
Good, aggressive cut, but swing-and-a-miss, methinks

Take FUBeAR as 1 example - FUBeAR absolutely believes locking down the economy was a huge mistake. Also vehemently believes that being governmentally-mandated to lock those businesses down & to define the legal attire of the populace (burkas, anyone?) violates our constitutionally protected rights. That said, on 3/17, FUBeAR locked down my life for about 4-6 weeks. Still staying locked down for the most part (1 wedding excepted) and always socially distance in public. Also, always wear a mask, when requested/required OR, if for some reason I am unable to keep my socially distanced space.

I think you are confusing people’s opinions & feelings with their actions. I’m talking about the general public - not the few morons on social media or that crowd shooting each other up @ a 100+ person birthday party in DC this past weekend, or the religious nut-cases that were previously seen serpent-rasslin’ - The general public has been & is being compliant. I searched for empirical evidence to the contrary this AM and all I could find were self-reported survey derived data analytics - “Sir, when did you stop beating your wife?” C’mon - those aren’t “science” - maybe there are studies that have been done by independent researchers via statistically significant & valid observation, but I ain’t see’d ‘em. Post ‘em up, if so. Check their methodology 1st though..cuz you know FUBeAR will.

For fun- Let’s do a UFFP survey though...

1) By and large, I have greatly curtailed almost any interaction with ‘the public’ and I always or dnag near always wear a mask if required / requested and/or when I could be unable to socially distance myself from others.

2) I sometimes practice social distancing and I sometimes where a mask in the situations described above. But, I have to admit, I’m not very consistent with one or both of these things.

3) I’m somewhere on the spectra described above for Social Distancing, but I just ain’t gonna wear a mask unless I absolutely have to to go into someplace I want to go, but I will avoid going to such places if I can find a similar venue and I don’t have to wear a mask

4) I’ll wear a mask usually, but I will fight for my right to PAR-TAY. Party @ Woodwinds #1 tonight, I’m THERE! I can social distance when I’m dead. That ish is for old folks & nerds. I’m down for a meet-up any time someone hits me up on SnapChat!

5) I’m the person that the self-righteous finger-pointers here are talking about. No mask, no social distancing for me. Just named my 1st-born Covid Corona Crowded Club OpenFace the 1st

Post 1-5 which number best describes you / your actions since March of 2020.

FUBeAR will lead off - I am a reluctantly compliant #1

What say you?
FUBeAR liked this
 #30615  by soconjohn
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:42 pm
The whole thing looks to me like the NCAA wants to wash its hands of the FCS, and by putting in unreasonable restrictions for conferences to have an FCS Playoff, it doesn't seem worth it...Point is, FCS football doesn't matter to the NCAA.
 #30619  by apaladin
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:56 pm
Back to football. Apparently the Big10 wanted to bail and wanted others to follow but the ACC, SEC and Big 12 didn’t want to go along. Now the Pac12 is meeting tomorrow to see how to go forward with the season. Kudos to Clempson’s Trevor Lawrence and others for starting a players movement #wewanttoplay. The first scheduled games are 2 weeks from Saturday.
 #30621  by FUBeAR
 Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:29 pm
Roundball wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:44 pm
Good piece.
Y’all know that man ain’t old. He’s country-young & extra-experienced.
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