• No 2020 Season

 #30252  by Furmanoid
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:56 pm
JohnKX512 wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:41 pm
Mark emmert will at least help the FCS with our “round robin 20 team playoff”

What a joke.

This year even with football is disheartening for the players and fans.

I hope we win out and just destroy everyone. But the asterisks will always be there.

Question: the conferences and teams that opt out of the season, do the players get an extra year of elegibility?
I’ve heard the eligibility idea bounced around but it seems like if all these guys hung around for another year you wouldn’t have scholarships to offer recruits. So even if they are eligible you might have to tell them to hit the road or otherwise the HS guys get screwed.
 #30255  by cavedweller2
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:28 pm
If the mid Carolina chickens go all SEC then Coastal will be looking for a game. We could play them.
 #30259  by fufanatic
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:32 pm
Would love another crack at Coastal. So frustrating how they always seemed to have our number when they were in FCS. That inaugural game in Conway in 2004, 2005 or 2006 was especially frustrating.
FUpaladin08 liked this
 #30260  by bj93
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:42 pm
SEC going 10 game conference only schedule starting 9/26
 #30262  by fupaladin01
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:48 pm
Welp, looks like the decision is official. No Tennessee game. But, the following teams may be looking for games:

FCS: SDSU, NDSU, Tenn Tech, Tenn St, JMU


Wth our coaching and AD connections, there might be some interesting possibilities, and though I doubt we'd travel to the Dakotas or CO, ECU and App would be easy trips for a payout. On the other hand, facing an OVC opponent in TN would be good for our playoff chances/ranking...
 #30264  by Roundball
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:01 pm
bj93 wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:50 pm
Clemson needs an OOC game in state since they can't play SCar.
They already have The Citadel on the original schedule.
 #30265  by Furmanoid
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:40 pm
I think K State is now available. They might even cough up some money.
 #30266  by FurmAlum
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:04 pm
Could be an opportunity to pick up a game with JMU, ECU, App St., Coastal, Elon or another school I hadn't thought of.

Would it be possible to pick up an ACC game? Aren't they playing 1 OOC game?
 #30267  by Roundball
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:30 pm
FurmAlum wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:04 pm
Could be an opportunity to pick up a game with JMU, ECU, App St., Coastal, Elon or another school I hadn't thought of.

Would it be possible to pick up an ACC game? Aren't they playing 1 OOC game?
It looks like every ACC team already has a non-conference team on it's schedule.
 #30269  by FUpaladin08
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:55 pm
Surprised SEC is abandoning long-time OOC rivals but it probably had to be done across the SEC if they stood any chance of not paying their money games.

I like the idea of CCU, ECU, or App but really how much money will be in these games this year with 20% capacity?

Not sure what this means for a post season with conferences opting out, travel limited, and FCS having to wait until now to finally make a decision. Might be best to just play what we can on the current schedule and maybe a small 4 team playoff within the conference. Seems like this year will be a one-off, conference-centric season, and we will have the opportunity to get creative just like the pro sports. Hate it for eligibility issues, especially for seniors.
 #30270  by Roundball
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:00 pm
It's now time for the SoCon to make an announcement on its plan for the season, if there is one.
 #30271  by apaladin
 Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:56 pm
Don’t see any chance of picking up a money game since this is why the big boys cancelled ooc games to avoid paying teams with no or few fans. Safety has zero to do with it. Think it is funny the ACC made provisions to keep a few in state rival games and the SEC said FU. FU could easily pick up an additional game but not for money. I think the SoCon will scrap this season now anyway. There will be costs involved for testing etc and how can FU afford to lose $650k(UTgame) yet pay for testing etc when they can barely keep the lights on?
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