• Finish it

 #17036  by gofurman
 Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:05 pm
Our team is really great. Really loving it.

The one consistent that’s not good right now is closing. I don’t just mean FBS. That’s understandable. So since we have only played one FCS team and win not a huge deal. Just a point. .. . Specifically closing halves and starting second half are huge. As we have seen. I thought back. The one big O play from CSU was right at start of second half I think. The long run. We won. We are better. But that was one of our biggest misses possibly. GSU. They score right before half as we missed tackles. Open second half on a tear. VT. a little different but we fail to capitalize at end of first half w ball getting near FG range etc (missed catch ). Then start second half with them scoring and then turnover and score again

Again, this is Two FBS so I get it. Just saying a little trend. Nothing worrisome unless it continues.